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"66 health literacy" is here!Guangdong Province launches public health literacy promotion month propaganda activities

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On June 23, the National Health Quality Propaganda Monthly jointly sponsored by the Guangdong Provincial Health and Health C
On June 23, the National Health Quality Propaganda Monthly jointly sponsored by the Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission and the Shenzhen Municipal Health and Health Commission was held in Shenzhen Central Book City to vigorously promote the “Chinese Citizen Health Quality -Basic Knowledge and Skills (2024 Edition)”(Referred to as “66 health literacy”).
National Health Quality Propaganda Month Activity Scene scene
In order to comprehensively systematically improve the health literacy of the whole people, and further promote health and health work from “centered” to “cure” to “health -centered”, the National Health Commission, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the National CDC decided to start from June this year.At the beginning, the three -year operation of the national health literacy was jointly carried out, a series of measures were deployed, and June each year was set as a healthy promotion month.In June this year, it is the first national health literacy promotion month in the country. Focusing on the theme of “lift literacy, promoting health”, we will focus on carrying out “three reductions and three health” (salt reduction, oil reduction, sugar reduction, healthy oral, healthy bones), The healthy knowledge such as healthy diet (add bean, milk, etc.), psychological health, scientific movement and other health knowledge will be popularized and promoted, and the “66 health literacy” will be promoted in an all -round way, and the coverage and influence of the activities of “National Healthy Month” will be expanded.
Pan Zhengqin, a second -level inspector of the Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission, emphasized that in his speech, Guangdong will solidly carry out the promotion of the national health literacy promotion month and “66 health literacy” in accordance with the national deployment requirements, and steadily promote the three -year improvement of the national health literacy.Continuously improve the health knowledge and skills of residents, promote the development of health, to adapt to and meet the increasing health needs of the public, so that the people have the ability to be the first responsible person of their own health.
Yan Jixiang, deputy director of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of Health and Health, said that in June of each year, Shenzhen will focus on “66 health literacy” as the main line to organize the team of experts to go deep into all corners of the community, schools, enterprises, and agencies.Consultation such as free clinic consultation and health knowledge competition.At the same time, it will also use the new media platform to push the authoritative, scientific, and easy -to -understand health science popularization knowledge to the general public through short videos and live broadcasts, so that health knowledge will enter millions of households.
At the event, Lan Lina, deputy director of the Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Center of the Shenzhen Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Center, brought the theme lecture on “This summer vacation, I don’t want to gain weight anymore”.Interactive activities such as answers and health markets have attracted many citizens to participate in learning.
National Health Quality Propaganda Month Activity Scene scene
Since its release in 2008, “66 health literacy” has played an important role in improving public health literacy and promoting people’s health.The first revision was carried out in 2015, and this time was the second revision.It is reported that this revision has added relevant content of personal health rights and responsibilities, knowledge related to infectious disease prevention and treatment, health knowledge in the aspects of slow obstruction, osteoporosis, and healthy oral cavity, as well as health and first aid, family medicine box reserves, etc.Skill.
In the next step, Guangdong will continuously improve the health science popularization expert library and resource library, continuously increase the supply of high -quality health science popularization products, continue to carry out healthy counties, promote the construction of hospitals, strengthen the training of health education talents, expand the platform for health education and communication, mobilize more moreSocial forces and the people participate in health education, and continue to improve the health quality level of residents in the province.The provincial level will focus on creating the “Healthy Guangdong” popular science brand, carry out “popular science live room”, “healthy coffee talk”, “health festival theory”, “science popularization rural”, “health science science contest”, “health skills competition”, “youth science popularization talent training camp”The seven major popular science projects, vigorously create a strong atmosphere of academic knowledge, literacy, and promote health, and achieve an average of about 2 percentage points of about 2 percentage points per year from 2024-2027.
Nanfang.com, Guangdong study reporter He Yorou Pan Xinyi
Correspondent Yue Weixin
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