July 6, 2024

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Seize the opportunity to control the operating strategy of risks to control foods.

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Recently, the annual operating report of the 2023 was released. During the reporting period, the company achieved operat

Recently, the annual operating report of the 2023 was released. During the reporting period, the company achieved operating income of 7.261 billion yuan, an increase of 9.64%year -on -year; the net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company was 344 million yuan, an increase of 46.63%year -on -year.At the end of the reporting period, the total number of stores in mainland China was 15,950 (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and overseas markets), and a net increase of 874 throughout the year.Faced with a steady growth trend, in 2024, the annual business policy of “grasping the window period and seeking breakthrough” of the unique food, the business strategy will focus on the following aspects:

Adjust the store structure and enhance the revenue of the single store

2024 is a year of challenging. The uncertainty of the external environment and the changes in the consumer market have become subjects that companies must face.Juewei Food will shift from the horseman -rim -type store -type store -type strategy to refinement and improve the single store to ensure the quality and profitability of franchisees, and adjust the single -store model according to the actual situation of different markets to improve the revenue of single stores.

Focus on core business and improve the level of profitability

As a long -term goal and adhere to the consumer goods enterprise that adheres to the sustainable development, the unique food will focus on the core business under the new economic cycle, focusing on resources, funds, and talents into the company’s core business, through scientific procurement strategies, continuous organizationsAdjustment, long -term cultural construction, improve the quality and core competitiveness of business, increase returns to shareholders, and create value for society.

Expand the membership system and strengthen digital construction

With the progress of scientific and technological progress and technology, Juewei Food is striving to build a digital and intelligent operating management system, adhere to the research and investment in related fields, and improve the scientific and scientific level of decision -making in supply chain, marketing and team management.In the use of big data and new technologies to develop personalized and differentiated marketing tools, increase membership interaction, and build a private domain member system with content, interaction and sticky private domain.

Pay attention to risk control and open up overseas markets

A new round of economic cycle has formed a consensus worldwide. With the arrival of the new cycle, Juewei Foods also carefully considers how to expand overseas markets under the premise of controllable risks.It is also a challenge. How to properly handle the problem of capital security, operating compliance and balanced layout in the process of globalization while improving revenue is worthy of long -term exploration and research by the management team.To this end, the “bold exploration and careful verification” overseas market strategy has been formulated, and the globalization strategy is steadily promoted under the premise of controlling risks.

However, the uncertainty of macroeconomics and increasing external pressure, economic, political and social conditions affect all companies in the industry.The leisure halogen products industry in the main business of Jeonbuilding Foods is fiercely competitive, and the brand concentration has gradually improved.And new consumption trends, profit models, and technological methods may change consumer forms at any time and further affect the competitive pattern of the food industry.As a traditional retail -oriented company, while striving to stabilize the traditional business model, it also continues to improve the traditional main business marketing strategy and profit model, continuously explores new development strategies, and cope with potential competitors.

(Source: Finance and Business Information)

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